Thursday, September 27, 2007

Missing Children at ORT

The President and Vice President of Missing Children Argentina -a non-profit civil organization- had a talk with ICT students on the activities they organize. During the meeting, they asked students to collaborate in the development of a web system, which enables all the volunteers in Missing Children to have access to the information of lost kids and generate different reports.

At the same time, teachers from the ICT track will train these volunteers on IT tools, and the students will give them technological assistance when they need it.

This meeting took place thanks to the initiative of the CIOs group, a network of 270 Systems Managers from the leading companies of the country who help Missing Children and know about the Solidarity-Learning methodology of ORT Technical School, Belgrano campus.

Team Olympiads in Physics

The registration for the Team Olympiads in Physics is coming to an end. There are 105 students-participants enrolled, who came from the following schools: Pellegrini, Philips, St Andrew's, Paula Albarracín, ORT Technical Schools, Belgrano Day School, Mariano Moreno, National Buenos Aires School, ECOS, Luis A. Huergo Institute, José Ingenieros Institute, and St. Martín in the Fields.We invite you to visit the blog of the competition:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mass Media Colleges Visit ORT Mass Media Track

On September 20th, the FUC (University of the Cinema) visited ORT Belgrano campus. Prof. Luis Facelli (from FUC’s Cinema Direction course), gave a conference for 5th and 6th-year students from the Mass Media track. He contrasted the ways in which production was carried out in the times of mute cinema and today, by making emphasis on short and feature films productions. The new technologies have substantially modified the cinema production and have also incorporated new ways of expression and realization.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Construction Exhibition 2007

From September 24th to 26th, there will be an exhibition on the works carried out by 4th, 5th, and 6th–year students from the Constructions track, held at the Río de Janeiro Auditorium, Almagro campus. During the exhibition, there will be a Design Workshop, which consists of imagining, interpreting and creating a scale model of the imaginary cities in Italo Calvino’s stories.

Besides, this is an opportunity to materialize the design made by 5th-year students on a TV studio for the program: “InfORTmal Mornings and Afternoons”. The companies where 6th-year students do their internships are collaborating with this project.

The Construction Exhibition is a space for creation and a celebration for the whole Department. We invite you to visit the blog of the Exhibition, where you will find updated texts and videos:

Monday, September 24, 2007

11th National Olympiads in Philosophy -2007

Melisa Szpaicer (5th-year student from the Business Administration track), Melisa Aguilera (6th-year student from the Musical Production track), and Martín Volman (6th-year student from the IT and Digital Mass Media track) –all of them from Almagro campus- moved on to the second phase of this national Olympiads. Congratulations and good luck for the rest of the competition!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

13th ORT Olympiads in Physics – Belgrano Campus

For the thirteenth consecutive year, ORT Technical School –Belgrano campus - will carry out the Team Olympiads in Physics on October 1st. This is the only national event of such characteristics, and the aim is to encourage the participants’ interest in Physics, and to promote exchange through recreational activities. In these years, more than 20 schools have participated in each event.

The activity has been scheduled as follows:
• 8:00 a 9:00hs. Teachers: Discussion of the problems.
• 9:00hs. Students’ entry.
• 9:05hs. Inauguration of the activity.
• 9:10 a 12:30hs. Development of the competition.
• 12:30 a 13:30hs. Lunch for the teachers and the students-participants.
• 15:30hs. Conference by PhD Mariano Sigman: ”Physics of the Perception”
• 16:00 hs. Announcement of the order of merit and presentation of certificates.
Closing of the activity.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

CLÍNICAS DEL SABER -An Invitation to Keep On Learning

Since the second term of this school year has finished, and as a reward for the students’ effort, dedication and commitment to the own learning experience, the School has been carrying out -for some years now- a program which interests students, teachers and parents. “Clínicas del Saber” targets 2nd-year students with the aim of strengthening their attitude to the worth of knowledge, increasing their motivation towards study and work, stimulating creativity and their desire to learn, and giving them a reward for their effort and dedication towards schoolwork.

When we talk about good results, not only are we referring to the students who get the best qualifications, but also to those who have improved their performance in a significant way during the first two terms of the year.

The activities are interesting and amusing. All the “Clínicas” last two days, and they take place out of the school. This year, many projects will be developed by the Natural Sciences and Technological Education Counseling Areas, their teaching teams, and the Students’ Counseling Area. As part of the 2007 technological activities of the “Clínicas del Saber”, students will visit the go-kart track, where they will be able to participate in go-kart races; but not in ordinary races: they will learn (among other things) what telemetry is, and how and with what equipment the pilots’ and vehicles’ performance data is registered. There is much more, but we’ll keep it as a surprise…!!! The Natural Sciences Area has organized two days at a field… with "flavor to sweet things". The activities will be carried out in San Pedro and Baradero, with the aim of elaborating and transforming materials, and having a first approach to large prehistoric mammals. For the students who were selected, these activities are among the best of the year.

All of us who help develop ORT day by day are happy to know that the effort contributes to expanding our students’ areas of interest, and that students can consider learning a pleasant activity. We congratulate all these outstanding students!

Reading-Encouraging Activities / Belgrano Campus

Short stories connect us with the pleasure of listening, they invite us to travel possible infinite worlds, and help us rescue an important way to relate with others: we need to recover the power of the word, which keeps tradition and generates new realities.
Among the reading-encouraging activities organized by the Language Area, the group Hilandohistorias will perform "Cuentos de no creer", oral narration shows which target 1st and 2nd-year students from junior high school, and are based on traditional texts and authors, such as Akutagwa and M. Birmajer, among others.

The shows will be carried out on September 19th and 20th and October 3rd.

The program includes:
"El cuentista " by Saki
"El secreto" by Marcelo Birmajer
"En el borde del barranco" by Jorge Accame
"Sennin" by R. Akutagawa
"Caperucita Roja 2" by Esteban Valentino
"La hermana de la Bella Durmiente " by Marcelo Birmajer
"El escuerzo" by Leopoldo Lugones
"La transformista " by Esteban Valentino

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Distinctions for Outstanding Students and Solidarity Students

Rosh Hashanah leads us to reflect on the past year, undertake new projects, and fundamentally to celebrate.Today - within the framework of such celebrations- we have organized a meeting with parents, students, and teachers in our campus, with the aim of recognizing those who participate in the "Solidarity Students Program" (ORT Senior High School) and the "Outstanding Students Program" (ORT Junior High School).

Diana Grimbe (Principal of our school), Luis Perez (Director of Studies), and 6th–year flag bearers from all the tracks gave each of them a certificate and a medal which corroborate that they belong to the above mentioned programs.

We all enjoyed the moment because we were able to recognize their dedication and congratulate them! We also had the chance to share and announce the beginning of a new project: the sponsorship of a rural school in the Province of Entre Ríos, which will enable us to continue developing the integral training of our students. It was truly emotional and motivating, and as we said, we hope to continue working family and school together to educate our students for a prosperous, happy and peaceful future.

Mass Media Colleges Visit ORT Mass Media Track

On September 10th, ETER (College of Radio Broadcasting Studies) visited ORT Belgrano campus. Darío Szmulewicz, Radio Coordinator at ETER, gave a conference on Radio Production and the Producer’s Task for 6th-year students from the Mass Media track. At the end, he answered all the questions that students raised about the topic.

Schedule for the 2nd Jurisdictional Meeting on Solidarity Education

September 25th, 2007

Venue: ORT Technical School – Belgrano Campus – Montañeses 2845

For further information and registration:

-Limited vacancies-

8:30hs. Registration and accreditation.

9.15 hs. Opening: Principal of ORT Technical School, Belgrano campus, Lic. Viviana Jasid

9.30 hs. Lecture: “Learning and Solidarity Service” by Prof. María Nieves Tapia, Coordinator of the National Program on Solidarity Education

10.30 hs. Coffee break

11.00 hs. Solidarity Institutions Panel: “Organizational experiences in solidarity”

• CLAYSS (Latin American Centre for Service-Learning)

• Missing Children Argentina

• CGP (Management and Participation Center) N° 13 - Government of the City of Buenos Aires - Social network of Belgrano, Nuñez and Saavedra neighborhoods

12.30 hs. Lunch

13.30 hs. Launching of the Solidarity Virtual Forum: “Puntosdeencuetro”
Lecture: “The New Internet and the NGOs” by Prof. Guillermo Lutzky, Director of ORT Argentina’s Virtual Campus

14.30 hs. Workshop A: “Sharing experiences”
Workshop B: “Solidarity networks: Networks of weblogs” by Prof. Guillermo Lutzky

15.30 hs. Idea-sharing session

16:30 hs. Certificates Hand-out

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


We congratulate Julián Eisenschelos, 6th-year student from the Musical Production track (Almagro campus), for his outstanding performance at the 22nd Ibero-American Mathematics Olympiads held in Coimbra, Portugal. Julián obtained the maximum score among all the contestants (23 countries participated), thus getting a gold medal!!!

Rosh Hashanah at Belgrano Campus

We would like to share with you some Rosh Hashanah photos taken at ORT Belgrano campus.

Monday, September 17, 2007

ORT at the National Biology Olympiads

On August 10th, the Interschool Biology Olympiads took place throughout the country. The students Ivan Derechinsky, Melina Goldenberg, and Carla Nudel (from ‘Level I’), and Alejandro Baldasso, Ezequiel Genender, and Axel Sirota (from ‘Level II’) –Belgrano campus- had an outstanding performance. After these results, the members of ‘Level I’ were invited to participate in the National Biology Olympiads, which will be carried out in the first week of October at Río Cuarto University, Córdoba. The students will attend with Agustin Sanguinetti (their coach).

ORT at Edutic 2007

Within the framework of the 2nd International Congress of Distance Education and Educational Technologies EDUTIC 2007, teachers from both campuses - Guillermo Lutzky, Alan Kharsansky, Martha Semken and Darío Mischener- were chosen to give a speech concerning “Technology and its valuable resources in and outside the real classroom”. They talked about the “experiences in the use of Web 2.0 applications” with junior high-school students, and about “web tools and cellular technology developed to manage projects” of the ICT track. The event took place on August 30th at the Panamericano hotel.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Invitation to Solidarity Meeting

ORT Technical school (Belgrano campus), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, has organized the 2nd Jurisdictional Meeting on Solidarity Education of the City of Buenos Aires: “Education and Service”. The meeting will take place on September 25th from 8.30 to 16hs at Montañeses 2845.

Investigating for a Dream

1st Contest for Junior Researchers
Homage to the 1st Argentine Nobel Prize, Dr. Bernardo Houssay, by ORT Chemistry Area

This contest is destined to all junior high-school students. They should write a monograph -based on bibliographical research work- on one of the following topics:

  • A future with Biotechnology, Chemistry and Nanotechnology
  • Pollution in Almagro neighborhood
The best 3 works of each topic will be awarded.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Technological Workshop for Primary Schools

ORT Technical School, Almagro campus, has organized a six-day Technological Workshop for primary schools. The boys and girls who visited us shared activities where they could explore, design, build, and learn by playing. During the visit, the children worked in small groups to solve challenges related to the design and construction of machine-robots. They designed some mechanical parts and, by making decisions on programming, they managed to attain the objective of controlling vehicles ("small ball launchers"). They even assembled rockets propelled by water and air pressure; and with simple materials (like plastic soft drink bottles), they built rockets, which rose swiftly at more than 100 km per hour, reaching heights of more than 30 meters. Finally, they took part in sporting activities.

Design of Rosh Hashanah Greeting Cards

Ory is a civil organization which -for 20 years- has been devoted to improving the life quality of mentally-disabled adult members of our community. Every year, a New Year card selling campaign is carried out to raise funds and meet the needs of the people who attend the day center, since there is no subsidy.

For the third consecutive year, a greeting-card design contest has been carried out among the students of the Industrial Design track, within the framework of the Graphic Design subject and the Jewish Education Area. The initiative is part of the curriculum of the subject.

Friday, September 07, 2007

The Youth Club of the City Visits Our School

Participants of the Editorial Training Workshop of the Youth Club of the City of Buenos Aires visited the exhibition "Photos of a City" mounted at ORT Belgrano Campus Hall. The students from the Mass Media track showed their woks, and were guided by the teachers Sebastián Izquierdo and Virginia Ocariz. The young visitors, aged from 14 to 24 years, were extremely interested in learning more about photography. Ethical and esthetic problems of the journalistic photography were discussed, since they were relevant for their training.

Lilaj Festival

On September 5th, the traditional Festival "Rikudim Lilaj", organized by the Keren Kayemet Leisrael, was carried out at ORT Belgrano Auditorium. Within the framework of a People Dance, "Am Roked", 1st and 2nd-year girl students from Almagro and Belgrano campuses represented our school. And they did it very well!!!
Once again, we feel proud of their commitment, dedication (for they rehearsed for many hours), and the joy they transmitted to us through their dance. Congratulations to all our girl students, to students from the senior high-school cycle who helped during the arrangements for the event, and especially to Ariadna Faerstein - teacher of Israeli dances (Rikudim) - who coordinated and organized the choreography, through which ORT students had such a great performance.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Dickinson College – Informative Talk

Dr. Robert Massa, Vice President of Dickinson College, gave an informative talk on September 4th for our 5th and 6th-year students from both campuses. Dickinson is an American university where 10 of our graduates are taking higher courses of studies. Pablo Thaler, 2002 graduate student from ORT Electronics track (Almagro campus), participated during the meeting. Thanks to the Scholarship Program that every year Dickinson College offers to ORT students, Pablo was able to graduate from International Business and International Relations, and received the Magna Cum Laude mention. Pablo shared with the students his experience of having traveled to the United States and being trained abroad. Both, Dr. Massa and Pablo, answered the students’ questions and gave them information so that they can apply for the Scholarship Program.

Presidential Award: Solidarity Schools 2007

The President of the Nation and the Minister of Education, Science and Technology awarded students and teachers from the Industrial Design track of ORT Technical School (Belgrano campus) an Honorable Mention for the development of the solidarity educational experience: “Hands in action multiply”.

The main objectives of the Presidential Award “Solidarity Schools” are: to recognize those schools that best integrate the students’ academic learning with the solidarity service to the community; to foster the development of solidarity educational activities at school; to encourage the articulation of the school and the different organizations of the civil society; and to strengthen and promote the ‘culture of involvement, solidarity and citizen commitment’.

Metropolitan Olympiads in Mathematics

We congratulate our students for the results obtained!

* 2nd level Champion: Nicolás Ponieman, 5th-year student from the ICT track, Belgrano campus.

* 3rd level Champion: Julián Eisenschlos, 6th-year student from the Musical Production, Almagro campus.

* 1st level- Second Runner-Up: Ariel Zylber, 2nd year ‘E’ student, Almagro campus.

* Tobías Frieder (3rd year ‘K’- Almagro campus), Yair Litman (5th year – Almagro campus) Mariano Juncal (4th year - Belgrano campus) were also awarded.

First Aid and CPR

In August, the introductory workshops on “First Aid and CPR” were successfully carried out. All the students from 3rd year -Belgrano campus- participated in these activities.

Due to the students’ enthusiasm and interest in learning more about the CPR technique (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), we will organize a workshop for 48 students from 3rd year who have requested it. Such activity will take place on September 17th from 4.30pm to 7pm at Taraciuk auditorium.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

National Olympiads in Biology

Sebastián Vishnopolska, Axel Levin and Mijael Rozenszanjn - 4th-year students from the Chemistry track (Almagro campus) and team members of ‘Level II’- have classified to participate at the national phase of the XVI Biology Olympiads, which will be carried out in the city of Río Cuarto, Códoba Province, in October.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

ORT at The Garage TV

On Wednesday 29th of August, at 10pm, the program “Design Center” of The Garage TV channel broadcasted a report on the redesign and incorporation of the new technologies to the Citroën 3CV, a project which is being carried out by the different tracks of ORT Technical School, Belgrano campus.

The TV program is presented by the Designer José Luis Denari, who is in charge of the follow-up of this initiative.

Mass Media Colleges visit ORT Mass Media Track

On August 15th, Guillermo Kaufman (Principal of TEA Image), Martín Zaballa (Principal of TEA Radio), and Prof. Miguel Iglesias (TEA Journalism and TEA Sports) visited ORT Belgrano campus. Students from 6th year of the Mass Media track participated in the activity and received information on the training TEA provides regarding graphic design, TV, and radio production, so that they can have access to the labor market at present.

Argentine Association of Advertising Agencies
On August 16th, the Argentine Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAP) visited ORT (Belgrano campus), and gave a conference on Advertising and on how to be an advertising agent in certain areas, such as: Art Director, Advertising Editor, Media Planner, and Account Executive. The speaker was Nancy Leotta, who is the Studies Director of the Institute. She provided a comprehensive background of their educational proposal and clarified all the doubts that our 5th and 6th-year students from the Mass Media track had.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Swimming Tournament – Belgrano Campus

On September 5th, the swimming team of our school, Belgrano campus, will participate in this year’s third competition organized by the School Swimming League.

We would like to highlight the effort and the higher standards achieved by our students.

Physics Conference: “The ball doesn't turn” Belgrano Campus

In 1997, during the elimination rounds for France 1998 World Cup, the Argentine football team lost against Ecuador. At the press conference, Passarella - the then Argentine coach- immortalized the phrase, “the ball doesn’t turn…”. Such phrase generated a great deal of comments, jokes, and it even became the name of a radio program. But, beyond all these repercussions, how true is it? Dr. Daniel de Florián will give a conference on the physical perspective of this particular effect. The meeting will take place next Wednesday 5th at Noel Werthein’s Auditorium. The activity will be exclusively addressed to those school students who reserve their vacancy at the Physics Department.